Ashley Brown
3 min readMar 6, 2022


How To Start Celebrating Yourself. For REAL.

Do you own your accomplishments? I mean really own them. Not just pop them down on a piece of paper to get your foot in the door of a new job or pass a mortgage application with crossed fingers. To feel the pride that warms your bones with a sense of achievement. We live in a world that makes us feel as if we are not walking the award-winning runway of fame and fortune, making it is a distant dream we can keep striving towards. The champagne will be waiting when you get there. It can seem there are only two roads to take, the high or the low. Though the reality is most of us spend a lifetime somewhere in the middle. And every goal we reach there deserves raising a glass. Do you deny yourself the courage to celebrate your wins? If you are nodding, you are not alone.

Here is how to start celebrating yourself, for real.

1) Change The Self-Talk

It never occurred to me how important the way we talk to ourselves is till I got to my 30’s. It’s possible to fly through life being incredibly nice to everyone but yourself. While there’s no need to start being an asshole, the sooner you realize how awesome you are the better. If reading that makes you cringe, read it again till it doesn’t. Ignoring your own genies is a fast track to low self-worth, self-doubt and feeling incredibly indecisive. I know, I bought the ticket. Resorting to a tarot reader to tell me what to do next turned out to be a real turning point. Not because of the direction she gave. Because of a decision, I made to switch the script. You are the pilot of your own life. Only you know where you want to go and the kinder your self-talk, the more you will enjoy the journey.

2) Surround Yourself With People That Raise Your Vibration

My Dad always said there are two types of people in life, radiators and drains. While I think it’s fair to say we can all be a bit of both, weather dependent. Some are more prone to joy zapping than others. Especially when it comes to celebrating the essence of who you are. It’s all too easy to meet people where they are at in life, to fit in, to let their noise crush your confidence and drown out the whispers in your heart. Though you don’t have to. I promise there are people out there who will lift you up, cheer you on, high-five every milestone. You owe it yourself to get out there and find them. The right people can turn every day into a celebration.

3) Wake-Up Grateful

When you start living with gratitude, everything changes. It doesn’t have to be for your social media following, pay rise or booming business. The smaller stuff is so much more than all that. The text from your Mum to say she’s got your favourite jam in. The book that sent you to sleep. The dog waiting to be walked. The first-morning stretch. Bloody glorious, isn’t it? The slow pieces of life we try to rush in our race to the top. It’s incredibly liberating to realise you do not need to be smashing a personal best to celebrate yourself. You probably don’t even notice the little things you do every day that makes this world a better place. The smile you give to strangers. Calling your Nan to say hello. Picking up your friends when they’re feeling low. Your light is always shining, waiting patiently to lead you out of the dark.

Whenever you slip down the rabbit hole of self-judgment, fear and pushing too hard. Go look in the mirror. That person is the bestest friend you will ever have. And they are worth celebrating. Every. Single. Day.



Ashley Brown

Ashley is a London based author and creative content writer. She writes from the heart on well-being and the unpredictable rollercoaster of life.